1. I am eternally grateful for my Lord and savior Jesus Christ who chose to die on the cross for me 2,000 years ago. Fully man and fully God, He suffered so I didn't have to, He stood in my place. He was beaten, lashed, killed, all in my place. He was thinking of me and enduring death for me. How can I not be grateful for that?
2. I am grateful for Kyle Dague. This man has taught me so much about faith, love and respect. He has showed me how a true man treats a woman, how to respect her and care for her. He works so hard to provide but never compromises his faith or his integrity in the process. He has challenged me to become a better wife and mother. He has shown me how to open up my heart and be vulnerable beyond my comfort zone. He has broadened my vocabulary and knowledge of ridiculous and useless facts. He makes me laugh every single day, without fail. While not perfect I often wonder how I became so blessed by having such an amazing, loyal, thoughtful, giving, caring, loving and attentive husband. Beyond that this man fathers our children so well I hardly have words to describe. He has risen to the challenge of having, 1 then 2, and now 4 children with grace, patience and joy. He has given up his own comforts, desires, wants, and needs for the sake of our 4 little munchkins. Each and every day he puts the 5 of us before himself. Each and every day he encourages them, loves on them, and instills in them the values and hard work we all need to have. Those 4 kids love and adore this man. Grace often tells me "Mommy you're a great mom, but Daddy is the GREATEST!" And I'm perfectly OK with that!
3. Speaking of the kids, I am obviously so grateful for my 4 beautiful children. Children are a blessing, and I am so thankful for each of their little lives and that God would entrust me to raise them up into who He has created them to be. They have taught me so much about myself and have made me an infinitely better person than who I was before they were born. They are each precious in their own little way.
Noah Matthew - you are my first born, my sensitive sweet heart, thoughtful and caring. You are a born leader and teacher. You love to show the little ones the way, and encourage them in the process. You sacrifice yourself for their betterment. Your passion for Christ is contagious and beyond your years. I am in awe of you, and often wonder the plans God has in store for you. I am also incredibly grateful for your patience with me as you are our guinea pig. I'm learning how to be a mom with you, in each new phase and season of life, and unfortunately it's a trial and error kind of thing, but you take it all in stride, and I'm so proud of you for that!
Grace Christine - You are my strong willed, passionate girl. You are so much like me, a strong exterior with the biggest heart of gold inside. You hesitate to open yourself to others, but when you do you are the most caring, loving and innocent girl. You will be a phenomenal mother. Your ability to nurture is so inherent it blows me away. Also, you are super smart. You know so much more than I've even taught you. You're incredibly talented artistically and I'm seriously jealous! Your beauty is not only on the inside but the out. Your beautiful golden curls and sweet rosy cheeks take my breath away several times a day. Seriously, Daddy and I are in trouble! Also, you're super silly and so much fun!
Deacon James - My ham. You crack me up. You are a complete jock, and totally fun. Your passion for life is contagious. People can't help but smile when you're around. Your physical abilities are beyond your years, but I've learned to give you the freedom and see what you can do. Also, you're super thoughtful. Constantly bringing me my favorite drink, or helping me make lunches. You're acutely aware of the needs of others and you like to make sure they're met. You are also a bit of a neat freak which is hilarious!
Elijah Wilson - I'm incredibly grateful for each and every day you're here. I know how close we came to losing you and I'm so thankful the Lord protected you and blessed us with your sweet little life. I have only begun to see glimpses into the personality you have, but I can say this: you have an incredible amount of patience and love for your older siblings. When they love on you too much, or bump into you too hard, you take it all in stride. I keep warning them that you're going to be bigger than them someday and get them all back! But for now you are my sweet precious boy and I am trying to soak up each and every little moment of your littleness!
4. I am so incredibly grateful for my parents Nancy and Steve Videon. These 2 people have taught me everything I know. I now realize the great lengths of self denial and sacrifice they had to make to raise me and my siblings. Mom gave up her own comforts, especially physically in order to give birth to the 5 of us and to give us the gift of siblings. Now having 4 kids of my own I am acutely aware of how DIFFICULT that was! They also sacrificed financially. I mean, they put 5 kids through school debt free! Beyond that they taught me and more importantly showed me what a Christ-centered marriage is to look like. How to love, and how to give of yourself and put the other first. How it's okay to fight, but it's important to make up. How arguments happen, but that doesn't take away from your love and commitment to each other. They raised the 5 of us with so much love. Mom was always there when we got home from school, and they made a point to make family dinners important. They attended our games, concerts, school activities, all doing it times 5 and with smiles on their face! They taught us the value of faith, and to put Christ before anything and everything else we did in life. They taught us to stand up for the true values we believe in despite what this world might be telling us to do. I am so thankful for you Mom and Dad, thank you for everything, I love you SO much!
5. I am so incredibly grateful for my siblings Dan, Jennifer, Matt, and Amy. The gift of siblings is not something I take lightly. These 4 people will always have my back, will always love and support me no matter what. We may have our differences and disagreements but nothing will ever get in the way of our love and support for one another. That's the beauty of siblings. No matter how much they may hurt you, or you hurt them, when someone outside the circle threatens one, we all stand up! Also, I'm thankful for Andy Tate and Lauren Videon for marrying my sister and brother respectively. I know we can be a crazy bunch to marry into, especially with all of the crazy personalities we all have, but I am so thankful for you and love you so much!
Clearly this post is long enough, but I intend on doing another one soon, because I have so much more I want to say and so much more that I am thankful for!!!!
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