Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas videos

Here are a few videos of the kids opening their gifts on Christmas morning.

This one is of Noah opening the very much anticipated Polar Express train.  He was very specific on what he wanted and thankfully what we got was it! whew!

Gracie getting in on the action. 

Opening presents from Grammy Val & Poppy!

Playing with presents
 (sorry about the loud hammering in the background - I was putting Grace's cozy coupe together)

Needless to say this year was a very fun Christmas morning. 
Not only were we home but the kids really understood what was going on. 
They both eagerly opened gifts after the Christmas story was read and best of all they understood why - that Jesus was born on Christmas and was such a gift to us, that we give gifts to others.
Mission accomplished.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

A preview of several Christmas pictures to come.

 Gracie all dressed up on Christmas Eve!!!

 My handsome little man on Christmas Eve!

The Dague Family 2011

Merry Christmas! We hope you had a wonderful day celebrating Jesus' birthday!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Reindeer munch

Today we made the easiest Christmas snack ever! And it's so cute too!

Reindeer munch:
Thin pretzels
Rice chex cereal
Salted peanuts

Vanilla candy melts (bought at AC Moore)
I also used green for fun!

Mix all ingredients in big bowl (except candy melts)

Melt vanilla candy melts & mix
Spread flat on wax paper until dries then break apart

It makes a TON I was surprised!!

Makes a tasty and fun gift for family & friends!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Pregnancy Update...

15 weeks

(Note: picture taken Wednesday December 14th)

Here I am, 15 weeks 4 days today.
This is only the 2nd pregnancy picture I've taken so far (and I can't seem to find the first one). Sorry Number 3.
It really does get less and less with each pregnancy but come on I've got 2 kids to take care of now!
Way back when I was pregnant with Noah life was MUCH different. 
I took naps, I watched tv, I actually read my "your pregnancy this week" emails, I got massages and sympathy.
Pregnancy number 3 rolls around and motherhood has already set in. 
Life  keeps marching on morning sickness or not.
No naps for me! 
Although I am thrilled to NOT be working this pregnancy.
It has truly been a blessing in so many ways!

Last week I started to feel really good, almost normal.
And then, Sunday came and I went right back to my usual routine of sick in the morning, ok mid day, very sick at night.
Ah! I thought I was in the clear!!!
This pregnancy is so similar to Noah's that I will be SHOCKED if we find out it's not a boy!

Speaking of Noah, pregnancy #3 comes with some fun surprises. 
With the first two I didn't have a little guy doing this:
Noah at 15 weeks
He MADE me take a picture of him holding the sign too!

He's such a proud big brother. 
He really seems to be understanding the concept of a baby in Mommy's belly.
In fact this morning as I was throwing up he said
"Mommy what's gotten into you?"
To which I replied "A baby."
And he said "Oh, ok." and walked away.

 I love that kid.
I know he'll be such a great big brother to this little one, because he's already so good with Grace.
He's got such a heart of gold.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas Tree Traditions

Today we made our 3rd annual trip to Yeager's Christmas Tree Farm. Every year it gets more and more fun with the kids.

We take a hayride down to the Christmas tree 'forest'. 

Then we walk around looking for the 'perfect' tree. 
I like to take a picture with the kids and a similarly sized tree.

Aren't these baby trees cute?

This year Noah had very strong opinions. 
In years past we would stumble upon a tree and Noah would like it just because. 
However this year we had criteria.  It had to be a) TALL and b) BIG.

 Here's the tree he wanted to get. 
However since we don't live in the White House we had to convince him we needed one a bit shorter.
"Noah the tree can't be too big or there won't be any room for the presents to go underneath"
It took him a second to process this information, but it worked!
Here's the tree we chose!  The perfect size for a Polar Express train to go underneath.  Deal.

It's a wonder we parents got anything done before we had such great helpers :)

 One of the best things about Yeager's is all of the photo ops they have set up.
That and the FREE hot chocolate and cookies they have after you cut your tree down.
Yup that's right we pay double for our tree...but we get free cookies and cocoa!! Hehe.

Don't they look so cute in Santa's massive chair?  I couldn't get them to both look so this will have to do.

New this year: GIANT SNOWMAN.

Decorating the tree...

The finished product.  What do you think? 
Kind of a hodge-podge, but I like it.  It's got character.
Gotta love all of the "handmade" kid ornaments. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Noah's Thankful Feast

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Today was Noah's Thankful Feast at school.  He  and his classmates performed a few songs for everyone and then we ate a nice big feast which was prepared by the kids.  Going into it, I knew Noah would either be the star of the show or he'd clam up and not sing at all.   Here's what happened. 

Noah is in the back in the navy blue shirt with the teacher.

Noah is the one with his back turned to the crowd, and when he does turn around he's making faces!

I guess if I can't get a video of Noah singing, a cute picture will have to do!!

a picture with Grancy and Pop who came to see Noah on his big day!!!

Thanksgiving 2011: "Noah is thankful for apples and sandwiches"

Friday, November 11, 2011


I am a barber. Not the best, but not half bad either. Yes thats right On top of all of the other mom things I do, I also cut Kyle and Noah's hair. Over the summer I got tired of spending $40 every 4 weeks on their haircuts and decided to spend a whopping $24 on a set of clippers. I've been meaning to capture my handiwork in pictures do here it is... (oh and yes I cut Noah's hair for picture day at school!)

Here are the before and afters.

(this is my first time using my phone to post)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Some exciting news

Grace is going to be a big sister!

Yup that's right, baby #3 is in the oven and we are so excited!
Grace actually has no idea what's going on, but Noah seems to really be grasping the fact that there's a baby in Mommy's belly.
He even tells me he's got a baby in his belly!
Noah has told me several times that there's 2 babies in there, but so far we've only seen one! whew!
He also likes to talk to the baby.....and jump on the baby.  That's what big brothers are for, right?
Number 3 is due June 5, one week exactly before Noah's 4th birthday! WOW! 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Hallo-Christmas!!

Halloween 2011
Noah - cow
Grace - cupcake

a pre-trick or treating photo...notice the sad faces, no sugar yet!

Grace got right in there and caught on quickly!  She devoured as much sugar as a.....cupcake!!

 Our first door - always our awesome next door neighbors!  They always give the kids extra candy because they are special!! :)

Noah's quote of the night:  As kids walked away from the house after getting their candy Noah yelled out

"Happy Hallo-Christmas!!!!!!"

Reminiscent of Noah's other little quirk: "See you next to later!"

Love that kid.

Snowy October?

Leaves on the trees + snow = lots of fun for little boys!

 Kyle and Noah made a pumpkin snow man - here's the before

making the snowman/pumpkin

And here's the finished product!  They did a great job and had a lot of fun!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I dont know how it happened...

but I have the BEST kids in the world!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Annual Pumpkin Patch Trip

Today we enjoyed our 2nd annual trip to Milky Way Farm in Chester SpringsThis year was fun because both Noah and Grace were able to walk through the pumpkin patch and pick pumpkins. 

We took a hayride to the pumpkin patch and it was the highlight of the day.  Noah and Grace really enjoyed the tractor, pointing out different parts of the farm, and of course the animals.

Noah practicing his punting skills....

Searching for the perfect pumpkin.

.....And she found it!!!

She was determined to carry that pumpkin the entire time!

Perfect Thanksgiving greeting card photo...if we sent them out.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Possibly a new tradition...

Tonight while we waited for Daddy to come home late from work we decorated our Haunted House.



As you can see the kids had a blast.  Fortunately for me since it was a haunted house the worse it looked...the better!  Noah even made me put a garage on the side with a car in it!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I sound like my mom!

Lately I've been saying "Ugh I sound like my mom!" a whole lot more than I used to.  Here are some of the latest culprits.

"Because I said so."

"I didn't ask if you wanted to."

"Don't worry about what your sister is doing just worry about yourself"

"Go to the bathroom before we leave" OR "Did you go to the bathroom before we left?"

and last but not lease the verse that makes me shutter b/c when she'd say it you KNEW you were in trouble...

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
(and yes now I say it for the same reasons she used to)

Love you Mom!

Saturday, October 8, 2011


How Noah and I spend napime (Grace's naptime).   I looked up and he had a crayon behind each ear.  
 No idea where he got that from!

Look at that face! Doesn't your heart just melt?  I know mine does!!